The current energy producing sources used around the world are inefficient. Not only do they output little energy, but they also pollute the environment.
It is said that if humanity doesn’t switch over to use clean energy, within a century the damages to Earth will be irreversible creating a state from which humanity will not be able to come back from. So to save the Earth humanity has to act now. One of the main proponents of the solution to this energy problem has been solar energy. It is not only more efficient and clean energy, but it is also renewable.
Mr. Jacob Anthony, the expert in off grid solar power in Australia has this to say – “It requires just a one-time installation cost for solar panels, and the maintenance costs of the grid are substantially low close to 0 in comparison to the total energy output.If there was a global effort to make this switch over to solar energy, things will be done much easier.”
All it takes is placing a grid of solar panels in the most strategic places on the Earth such as the Sahara desert, the Mongolian deserts, Australia and parts of Europe and the Americas.
Solar panels would be installed according to the most advanced technology and the cost should be shared among all participant countries on Earth. Then this grid’s electricity output would be routed to all countries around the world. This type of solution would change mankind as a whole as we would be able to function better as a species and society.
Humanity would be able to save trillions of dollars annually in costs related to global warming and world environment pollution. Its benefits would be felt socially, economically, culturally and in many other aspects that contribute to creating the human fabric.Also, just like when there was a major shift from analog TV to digital TV, that governments around the world distributed free converters.
The same effort could be applied once this new solar grid would be established. Governments would assist their citizens by providing energy converting capabilities in each country within all cities. They would provide technicians to do the installation and also the materials and hardware necessary to make the transition.
Governments would be able to collect electrical bills for a while until they recovered the costs of the investment. Later on, once this cost would have been paid in full, governments would be able to charge just a small maintenance fee for the electrical energy that’s provided.
It seems that the best approach to enhance this solution will be feasible and possible if governments and private organizations around the world unite their efforts. They’ll be able to combine both economical and technological resources that will make this transition much easier.
In the long run, all humanity has to win as the Earth is preserved, the global warming effect is eradicated and humanity can thrive as a whole. Whatever may be the outcome, we already have the solution. We have a God-given sun with virtually infinite electrical resources available year round that allow humanity to reach its peak state of development.